Dr. J shares his thoughts on the objection to the Gospels from the absence of evidence of Quirinius’s census, from Luke 2:2.
About Veracity Hill
Theology can be complex: A robust explanation of Christian truths, the application of those truths into our lives, and a winsome presentation of the Gospel. Our mission is to simplify complex issues to build strong Christians and reach a skeptical world. We seek to train Christians to have a strong grasp on biblical and theological literary so that they may have a flourishing faith and not be left "ineffective and unproductive in their knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:8). Our message, in turn, should be winsome to outsiders (1 Thessalonians 4:12a; 1 Peter 3:16) and may result in their repentance and acceptance of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Latest Episodes
Dr. J describes the papers he heard at ETS & EPS, and talks about the value of these meetings.
In this Election Day episode, Dr. J and Mark go through clips of the film Swing Vote to describe and defend the Electoral College of the United States.
What is Halloween all about? Is it a Christian holiday?
In this episode, Dr. J interviews Anthony Costello, author of The Rise of Paganism on the growing movement of Wiccans and other types of paganism. ‪@thekirkwoodcenter‬...
In this episode, Dr. J is joined by Dante Stack to discuss the importance of Worldview Formation and the book release of Doorway Crew adventure #001: Gabby Goes to...
Dr. J offers some reflections on the field of apologetics and the importance of Christian living.
Dr. J gives an update and tour of the new Defenders Media building!
In this episode, Dr. J talks about the strengths, weaknesses of pastors and theologians using Artificial Intelligence in ministry contexts.
Philip Goff, philosopher at Durham University, recently converted to “a heretical form of Christianity.” Join Dr. J as he jumps into Goff’s essay to...